Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
Melissa Merchant
Assistant Principals
- Alexis Scott (Year K-2 ES1 and Stage 1)
- Helen Johnson (Year 3-4 Stage 2)
- Lell Franks (Year 5-6 Stage 3)
- Lisa Pursch (Curriculum K-2)
Teaching Staff
- KM - Miss Jessie Meehan
- KD - Mrs Amy Dorfling
- 1/2S - Ms Alexis Scott / Mrs Ebony Struwe (Wed)
- 1/2A - Ms Jess Arnold / Mrs Mel O'Neill (Thurs & Fri)
- 2/3G - Ms Amanda Godfree
- 3/4J - Ms Helen Johnson / Mrs Mady Hunt (Thurs & Fri)
- 3/4W - Mr Mike Wilson / Ms Elana Knight (Thurs)
- 5/6M - Mrs Leanne Martin
- 5/6F - Ms Lell Franks / Mrs Linda Brislane (Tues)
- 5/6R - Mr Jacob Ross
Teaching Support Staff
- Library & Technology/Science RFF - Ms Rachel Cooper ( Wed, Thurs & Fri)
- K-2 Science - Mrs Mady Hunt (Wed)
- 5-6 Science - Mrs Linda Brislane
- Aboriginal Education - Mrs Bec Perkins (Tues)
Student Learning Support Officers
- Learning and Support Team Coordinator - Mrs Lauren Perkins (Mon, Tues & Wed)
- High Potential & Gifted Education Teacher - Mrs Ebony Struwe, Mrs Linda Brislane, Mrs Bec Perkins
- Student Wellbeing Officer - Ms Mel Shoesmith
- Intensive Learning Support Program - Mrs Mel O'Neill, Mrs Virginia Healey
- Student Learning Support Officers - Ms Katrina Read, Mrs Virginia Healey, Ms Mel Shoesmith, Mr Mitch Wells, Mrs Klaya Lowry, Mrs Tertia Vlock, Mrs Jackie Thorogood, Miss Mya McNamara
- Counsellor/Ed Psychologist - Mrs Fern Champion
Administrative and Support Staff
- School Administration Manager (SAM) - Mrs Lexi Smith
- School Administration Officer (SAO) - Mrs Karen Dickson, Mrs Candace Lewis
- General Assistant - Mr Justin Hobbs
- IT/Technology Support - Mr Rod Dransfield
- Active OOSH - Marcello